Zombie Mod [Battlefield 3]


So. I am on vacation right now and finally got myself together and started to work on Sony Vegas Pro 13 in order to get some BF4 compilations uploaded to youtube. Now, since i've forgot everything i knew on Sony Vegas i had to start over, watching all the possible tutorials.

Before i start working on the BF4 compilation I want to test some stuff on other videos to learn, thats why i dug out this old Battlefield 3 Zombie Mod video from back when we all played together on our private server (Private Server *salutes*)

  • Vankinobi
  • Moli_8600
  • Foxfire_CH
  • StgBaker3389
  • Stealthkilla_CH
  • DHR_000x

The rules are easy; The zombie starts alone with tons of HP and has to knife other players to infect them only using melee weapons. The other players have to try to survive and can only use their primary and secundary werapons, no explosive allowed. This is how it ends up looking:




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