AS Val Review [Battlefield 4]

Yeah, finally i got my hands on the new guns of Second Assault for Battlefield 4, including the AS Val, one of my favourites from BF3.

Let's start talking a little about what this gun really is. The AS Val is a Soviet designed assault rifle developed the late 1980s by TsNIITochMash and is mainly in use by the russian special forces, like for example the Spetsnaz. Able to be loaded with a 20 or a 30 round magazine, it uses heavy subsonic 9x39mm SP-6 (high-performance armor piercing) ammunition and has an effective range of 300 meters at 900 RPM. It is designed for close quarter encounters, thats why it also comes with an integrated suppressor.

Not to be confused with its sister-gun VSS Vintorez, the AS Val has furniture made of high impact polymer and a skeletonized steel stock which folds to the left.

AS Val at the top with its sister-gun VSS Vintorez at the bottom

In Battlefield 3 i used to like the AS Val very much. Its first round recoil was 0.0, so you were able to land quite a few shots before you started to feel the recoil of full auto firing. On the other hand you had to change your gamestyle somehow. This gun has a firerate of 900 RPM with a 20 round mag (+1 in the chamber), you were lucky if you got a double kill, but in a 1v1 in CQ you just ripped them apart.

Then the patch came, it got a 30 round mag and a few tweaks in the bullet spread. I tried and tried but i couldn't get the hang of it again.

The AS Val was such a beast in Battlefield 3, specially on Metro
In order to unlock the AS Val in Battlefield 4, you need to do the bronze assignment "Co-Pilot" for which you will need to spend 10 minutes in helicopters and make 10 squad repairs. Best way to get it is supporting a squad mate rapairing his little bird, you get it after exactly 10 minutes of doing that. So did i, and decided to give it a try and play a few rounds.

A wild KingBoo appeared!

Ufff, this gun kicks like a mule... Let's have a look at the stats:

Side note; there is no burst mode on this gun, only semi and full auto

So there we have it, 1st shot multiplier of 3.5 (!!). This is making short burst shooting nearly impossible, which is needed for medium-short range engagements. Remarkable aswell is the 30 damage of the gun at 10m or less from the enemy, thats a 4 shot kill.

I battled through the awful recoil until i finally got the angled foregrip:

70 kills later... made it!
Now check out the difference of the weapons spray pattern. The angled grip reduces 33% of the first shot recoil,  you can really feel the difference while playing:

The pattern is the same, but notice how much closer to the center the second shot normally lands
Putting it all together, the AS Val is a beast in CQ as soon as you unlock the angled grip and a pain in the bum as long as you don't have it. You will still have to adapt your movements due to your constant reloading but you will be rewarded if you know how to handle this russian lady. Thats all, good night!




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