Excuses [GTAV]


Ok ehmm.. i'm not going to lie, but i'm only doing this post because i didn't want to have a month without content in my history :D, so it is story time.

I have been playing GTA V every free minute for the last two weeks and i would like to make a best of video, if Sony Vegas could stop spazzing out everytime i click something, but if you do the math i just can't make a video while playing. Mostly i've been playing GTA Online with Stealthkilla and Titandioxid so there's not even a real story i can tell here, hmmm... well i could show the world what we actually do for all those hours. Yeah, that sounds about right, lets see.

So the guy in the middle with the vest and the camo pants, yeah thats me. I'm Timmy, the ex heroin junkie that now basicly spends his time fucking shit up. To the left there's Stealth "Motherfucking Panda" killer (no, he doesn't kill pandas, i just wanted to make his name sound more badass...ah screw it...). And to the right theres Titan (doesn't kill pandas either, we love pandas), he is just, well... kinda new to the game, we have to style him up yet.

Like for example some nice wheels, like my baby right here. Yeah i've spent all my money on her, fucking whore, but damn she's sexy.

Or like the hot rod of Stealthilla, a classic. With exposed motor and in blood red. Oh and that finger is for Titan, he should stop stealing cars and get his own already, i'm tired of the police, man!

When we are not on the road, we may just be exploring the huge state of Los Santos, and since Stealth is such a downhill enthusiast, we had to give it a try. And i mean "a try" like in "one SINGLE try" because it's fucking exhausting to get on top of the mountain.

And of course we also dedicate some time to less phisically demanding activities, like obviously, golfing, because why the fuck not. We are classy gangsters.

Still, we can't forget to act like the illegal bastards we are suposed to be (or hipsters with that pinapple hairstyle). We recently unlocked the Heists thanks to Stealth buying an actually very nice apartment. You already know why i couldn't afford one.

But we end up mostly just stoned in the apartment looking at the turned off TV, or spying at the hot neighboor with the telescope. Titan get your hand out of your pants, we are still here for fucks sake.

Thats about it so far. I have a ton of screenshots already, like broken Stealth for example, he dislocated his shoulder two weeks ago and was ragdolled on the ground like that, just with a little less of a happy expression. He's a sad panda right now and I can only hope that this will make him smile a bit, he is passing a rough patch right now because of his inability to do jack shit with his right arm. Lucky us, he plays GTA with a controller. See you in Los Santos!




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