TacticalGames Outdoor-Lasertag

Hi there my little Padawans...

HK G36 and an M4 variant in my hands, and Stealthkilla with an M107 Barrett... BADASS

KingBoo, Stealthkilla and I were once again playing Outdoor-Lasertag last sunday. This time on a 100.000m² field, a stone mine in Steimaur ZH.  Google Maps

This picture is not up to date, but it looks practically the same now. Just some cover looks different.

For warming up we played TDM in the red marked area, after that it was mainly CTF in the yellow area. Its Tuesday already and i still have killer leg cramps :D

"You can lick my bald head tonight"

The day was awesome, all thanks for the amazing guys from Tactical Games. The next event is also in a mine, but 200m far inside of a mountain. That would be a first timer worldwide. We hope to get 3 of the available 20 places they offer. I cant wait!!





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